About my Art

The vision of bodies in action, of points in focus and background points, has found space in my photography.
I am fascinated by the movement that creates blurred, elongated, diaphanous, indefinite, poetic human figures. The camera is the precious tool, the link between my imagination and the creation of an artistic form that is exposed to the world.
Nothing is too defined, but everything is definable. My desire is to create a relationship between the work and its witness. Don't explain, don't illustrate.
Create wide spaces for imagination, for interpretation.
Make every user feel alive, fully satisfied to participate in the life of the image.
My need is to transform the work of art into another work.
Go into detail and be amazed at the new shapes that appear to the eye.
My action is performative, the machine is manual, the parameters are continually to be modified; a creative flow overwhelms me, I am in motion, I change and change my point of view again.
My pleasure is not in refining a technique but in exploring a poetic.
Publishes two images in the photobook Streets Journey in Italy, published by CITIES.
Publishes a photograph in the magazine Scatto D’Uomo.
Participates in the Collettiva Fotografica Pigneto organized by the CFFC collective in Rome.
Participates in the collective Ceci n'est pas une exposition, curated by Artivismo at the Villaggio Globale in Rome.
Wins first prize in the Sguardi Urbani category at the Cefala' Diana Luci e Ombre Award.
Winner of the jury prize in the 'Il cielo di Fabio' competition.
He published a picture in the magazine Fifteen published by
Psicogeografici edizioni.
Exhibits three pictures at SAC – Spazio Arte Contemporanea in Robecchetto con Induno (MI) on the occasion of the Candiani Award.
Exhibits at the collection From Tragedy to Tranquility: Gandhi's Legacy in room 147 of the Radisson Collection Hotel in Belgrade.
Exhibits an image at FotoStudio in Rome in the collective exhibition Conosco una città. Wins ex aequo the audience prize.
Is on display at Il Defrag as part of the event CRUSH – Collective Visual Art, Rome.
Is on display at the Italian Geographic Society for Capture Diversity, Inspire Dialogue, a collective promoted by the International Diplomatic Institute in collaboration with Zetema. It ranks third.
Publishes the Momento presente project featured in Clich-he magazine.
Participates in the 22nd NATIONAL ART PRIZE CITTA' DI NOVARA.
Exhibits at the Dream, dream, dreaming on holidays collection in room 147 of the Radisson Collection Hotel in Belgrade.
Publishes the project In acqua leggero in Clich-he magazine.
Wins the Melchionna Prize 2024.
Participates in the collective exhibition You-th, organized by KOBO Studio, at 10b Photography gallery, Rome.
Published the project Into the flow in Clich-he magazine.
Participates in the collective exhibition Mostro#16 at the Tevere Art Gallery in Rome.
He collaborated with poet Ivan Schiavone and musician Pierpaolo Cipitelli on the poetic project Nuovo Commento.
He exhibited his solo exhibition, The singular life, at the Casa del Parco Municipal Library in Rome.
Participated in the collective exhibition at the CIQ in Milan on the occasion of the Doremifasud festival.
Exhibited in the collective exhibition Una foto per l'inclusione at the steam laundry in Collegno (to), organised by the IESA service of ASL TO3.
Participates in the 21st NATIONAL ART PRIZE CITTA' DI NOVARA
He published the project Accavalavacca in the magazine Clich-he.
Is selected in the first phase of the competition YAG/garage ITALIA | Lazio region
He was selected as one of the twenty finalists in the first edition of the Luigi Candiani Award – Affirmed Artists to exhibit at the collective exhibition to be held at SAC Spazio Arte Contemporanea in Robecchetto con Induno (MI).
Participated in the collective curated by photographer Francesca Pompei at the Art Contemporary Shop in Rome.
Participated in the collective exhibition UNCLASSIFIABLE, organised by ArtOut at the sala delle pietre in Todi (Pg).
Participate with two photographs in the Photomilano on desire catalogue.
Post four photos for the ReWriters.it website in the Pic of the Day section.
Exhibits his personal exhibition Topini gà un pò masticati at Rosticceria M in Bracciano.
Participates in the collective Intimità, at Fine-Art Images Gallery in Chieri (To).
Participates in the first Roman Riviera Biennial in Ladispoli.
Participates in the International Day of Photography, photography group show in room 147 of the Radisson Collection Hotel in Belgrade.
He publishes ten photos on the international photography site privatephotorewiew.com
Participates, with the Riverrun Hub association, in the project linked to the creation of the NonTourism 2022 guide. Some images are published in the weekly magazine Vero.
Takes the Irrilevabile solo exhibition at the Batucada in Rome.
Enters the catalogue of the collective exhibition of the Cascella Prize 2021.
Makes a series of poetic videos with texts by the poetess Florinda Fusco.
Sees some photos published on the website designideas.pics.
He participated with 30 works in the group exhibition Be**pART Project at Atelier Montez, Rome
Produces a solo exhibition, The singular life, at Du' Parole in Rome.
Exhibits at the Jey jazz club in Rome with the solo exhibition La felicità grave.
He is interviewed by Mole Art magazine.
Publishes the project Preparation of the Invisible Woman in Clich-he magazine.
Participated in the collective exhibition Think Diverse – gender identity culture at the Tevere Art Gallery, Rome.
Participated in the collective of the Basilio Cascella 2022 award in Ortona.
He was selected by photographer Maurizio Galimberti among the 40 finalists of the interminati_spazi 2022 call for entries and participated in the exhibition of the same name at the Domori Store in Turin.
Sees a selection of photos published in The Eye of Photography Magazine.
Participates in Erbario per una città del futuro (Herbarium for a city of the future), a workshop of co-creation and visual experimentation led by Chiara Capodici, Laura Farneti and Alberto Marci.
He received the jury's special mention for the theme 'morning' at the Sirmione Prize for Photography.
Ufficio Buro, a gallery in Bergamo, chooses one of his photos as the cover image of its Facebook profile for a month.
With a shoot he participates to the April edition of FEM – Fine Eye Photo Magazine.
He exhibits at the collective exhibition organized by Fototeca Siracusana, Siracusa.
With some photographs inspired by the theory of the Third Landscape, he joints VIVAROMA, GUIDE TO GREEN ROME, promoted by Triangolo Scaleno Teatro.
With the project “Di lavoro e di umanità" (“Of work and humanity"), he won the photographic contest “Il lavoro che racconta" (“The work that tells"), organized by the “Festival dei maestri fuori classe" (“Festival of out-of-class teachers") in collaboration with the Vasto-based company Studioware, and exhibited the photos at the company's headquarters in Vasto.
He realizes a personal exhibition at the Odradek bookshop in Rome.
Winner of the 5th edition of the Festival “Art and Wellness, Art that Cares" by Academy Imago, Naples.
He is selected for “il tempo ci appartiene" (time belongs to us), a photographic exhibition that travels through several towns in the province of Chieti.
He participates with six photographs in the collective art exhibition held on the occasion of the meeting “Disagio familiare e violenza", La Maggiolina, Rome, 2021.
He takes part to the collective exhibition Sine Die – creativaMente fotografia, promoted by OELLE Foundation – mediterraneo antico, Aci Castello (CT).
One of his photos is published in Eye Photo Magazine, July 2020.
One of his photos is published in Artists Magazine, September 2020.
One of his photos is part of the private collection of MAAM, Museo dell'Altro e dell'Altrove di Metropoliz, Rome.
He participates in the collective exhibition “Lockdown – Sospesi in casa", at the GAM – Gallery of Modern Art of Catania.
He is among the finalists of the Quotidiano Energia competition.
He leads the lecture “TLo scatto e la scena. Regia teatrale e fotografia come trasformazione del reale" at Sinestetica – art gallery, Rome.
Some of his pictures are published on the blog of the philosopher Enrico Piergiacomi.
He is among the 20 finalists in the Amnesty International Lazio photo contest.
He is among the finalists in the Fermhamente – Fermo Science Festival 2020 competition.
He publishes 24 shoots taken at MACRO ASILO on the museum's website.
He is selected for “Connessioni", a collective exhibition of photography, at the Foto Studio in Rome.
He is selected among the 37 photographers for the competition “L'emozione di vedersi" Fondazione Banca degli Occhi del Veneto onlus.
He publishes two photographs in the catalog dedicated to the artist Franco Losvizzero, published by Bordeaux Edizioni.
He takes part to a collective exhibition at the Caffè Letterario in Rome with four photographs about Narcissus.
He is second in the competition “La Pietra e L'Acqua" organized by the Museo dell'Orto Botanico of Rome.
He exposes a photograph in the collective exhibition “Attraverso L'Immagine – autori-tratto fotografico" at the Art Forum Wurth Capena.
In collaboration with the artist Lalula Vivenzi, he participates, with a photograph to MANIFESTO – ICONOGRAFIE DELL'INDIPENDENZA a project realized by NESXT in collaboration with MERCATO CENTRALE TORINO and SPAZIO Y.
He exhibits a photograph at the collective exhibition “Lights of Christmas 2019", at the Palazzo della Cancelleria Vaticana in Rome.
He leads the lecture “Lo scatto e la scena. Regia teatrale e fotografia come trasformazione del reale " at Macro Asilo in Rome.
Two of his phots are selected for a collective, as part of the competition “n che lavoro siamo?" promoted by ACLI nazionale. The photo was included in the collective held in October 2020 at the Testaccio market in Rome.